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Sommaire - Studdogs - Nyitramenti Eusebio - 08-02-2025




INTER Ch, Austrian Ch, Hungarian Ch, Hungarian Gd Ch, Slovenian Ch, Luxembourg Ch, Hungarian JCh, Hungarian Club Winner, Austrian Club Winner.

Né le - D.O.B. 24-09-2009
Père - Father Budweiser vom Hause Reinhard
Mère - Mother Ch. Nyitramenti Wonderful Life
Test ADN - DNA Oui/Yes (DNA Profil ISAG 2006)
MDR1 ((+/-))   [..Infos..]
DM (+/+)   [..Infos..]

Identification génétique: plus d'info






         Contacter l'éleveur - My address

Elevage Nyitramenti

Elena Bal谩zsovits

Margit u.4

G枚d 2132


Téléphone: + 36 27 330 522 - + 36 30 529 00 71

Member of Hungarian Collie, Sheltie, Corgi club



         Plan d'accès - Kennel map

Latitude: 47.702663
Longitude: 19.145012
Latitude: 47°42'9.59"N
Longitude: 19°8'42.04"E
Kennel location for your GPS

         Dans les expositions - In the show ring

Principaux résultats en exposition
1st Exc., HPJ, BOB, Cruft's qualification in youth class in Szombathely (H) International show CACIB 17.07.2010, judge Mr J.Hatrich (D)
1st Exc., HPJ in youth class in Jászberény (H) National show CAC 26.09.2010, judge Mr Korózs András (H)
4th Exc., in youth class in Celje (Si) European Dog show 01.10.2010, judge Mr A.White (GB)
1st Exc., HPJ in youth class in Szentes (H) National show CAC 03.10.2010, judge Mr Vatai Zoltán (Srb)
Hungarian Junior Champion
2nd Exc. in youth class in Komárom (H) International show CACIB 17.10.2010, judge Mrs M.Brenner (A)
1st Exc., CAC, CACIB, Cruft's qualification in intermediate class in Brno (CZ) International show CACIB 05.02.2011, judge Mr V.Fiala (CZ)
2nd Exc., Res.CAC in intermediate class in Brno (CZ) International show CACIB 06.02.2011, judge Mr l.Jancik (CZ)
2nd Exc., Res.CAC in intermediate class in Szilvásvárad (H) Hungarian Club show 24.04.2011, judge Mr T.Illey (GB)
1st Exc., CAC in intermediate class in Orosháza (H) National show CAC 01.05.2011, judge Mr P. Firic (SRB)
1st Exc., CAC, CACIB in intermediate class in Maribor (Si) International show CACIB 07.05.2011, judge Mr F.M. Rodrigues (P)
1st Exc., CAC, Res.CACIB in intermediate class in Salzburg (A) International show CACIB 22.05.2011, judge Mr Mark Wibier (D)
3rd Exc. in intermediate class in Komárom (H) International show CACIB 12.06.2011, judge Mr J.Ritchi (GB)
4th Exc. in open class in Paris-Villepinte (F) championship show CAC 08.07.2011, judge Mrs A. Paloheimo (Fin)
1st Exc., CAC, Club Winner in intermediate class in Hartberg (A) Austrian Club show 24.04.2011, judge Mrs B. Novak (Si)
1st Exc., CAC in intermediate class in Debrecen (H) International show CACIB 28.08.2011, judge Mr P. Harsányi (H)
1st Exc. in intermediate class in Leevarden (NL) European Dog show 04.09.2011, judge Mrs N. Nekrosiene (LT)
1st Exc., CAC in intermediate class in Debrecen (H) International show CACIB 28.08.2011, judge Mr P. Harsányi (H)
4th Exc. in open class in Stuttgart (D) International show CACIB 05.11.2011, judge Mr F.Cosme (GB)
2nd Exc., Res.CAC in open class in Stuttgart (D) International show CACIB 06.11.2011, judge Mr K. Frankenberger (D)
2nd Exc., Res.CAC, Res.CACIB in open class in Celje (Si) International show CACIB 17.12.2011, judge Mrs N. Nekrosiene (LT)
2nd Exc., Res.CAC in open class in Lubljana (Si) Slovenian Club show 14.01.2012, judge Mr M.Redlicky (Pl)
4th Exc. in open class in Lubljana (Si) International show CACIB 15.01.2012, judge Mr Z. Kraljic (Cro)
1st Exc., CAC, CACIB, BOB in open class in Graz (A) International show CACIB 26.02.2012, judge Dr T.Jakkel (H)
1st Exc., CAC, CACIB in open class in Münich (D) International show CACIB 03.03.2012, judge Mrs M. Rukopf (D)
International Champion
5th, VHC in open class in Birmingham (GB), CRUFT'S show 10.03.2012, judge Mrs E.Robinson (GB)
1st Exc., CAC in open class in Miskolc (H) National show CAC 07.04.2012, judge Mr D.Kuzej (Cyprus)
1st Exc., CAC, CACIB in open class in Miskolc (H) International show CACIB 08.04.2012, judge Mrs D. Klein (Ro)
1st Exc., CAC in open class in Barje (Si) National show CAC 15.04.2012, judge Mr G. Jipping (NL)
1st Exc., CAC, CACIB, Europasieger, BOB in open class in Dortmund (D) International show CACIB 12.05.2012, judge Mr P. Jentgen (Lux)
1st Exc., CAC, CC in open class in Dortmund (D) British dog Festival Championship show 13.05.2012, judge Mrs S. Clark (GB)
1st Exc., CAC in open class in Salzburg (A) World Dog show 19.05.2012, judge Mr B. Kavcic (Si)
1st Exc., CAC in open class in Salzburg-Anif (A) World Club show 20.05.2012, judge Mrs V. Geddes (GB)
1st Exc., CAC, Club Winner in open class in Komárom (H) Hungarian Club show 26.05.2012, judge Mrs S. Clark (GB)
Hungarian Champion
1st Exc., CAC in open class in Baumgarten im Burgenland (A) Austrian Club show 26.08.2012, judge Dr A. Kovacova (SK)
Austrian Champion
3rd Exc. in open class in Bucharest (Ro) European Dog show 07.10.2012, judge Mr N. Deschuymere (B)
1st Exc.,CAC, CACIB, BOB in champion class in Sempeter (Si) International show CACIB 10.11.2012, judge Mr J. Wauben (NL)
1st Exc.,CAC, Res.CACIB in champion class in Vrtojba (Si) International show CACIB 11.11.2012, judge Mrs B. Petkevica (LTV)
Slovenian Champion
2nd Exc., Res.CAC in Champion class in Ceske Budejovice (CZ) International show CACIB 30.03.2013, judge Mrs E. Soltesz (A)
2nd Exc., Res.CAC, Res.CACIB in Champion class in Pohorje (Slo) International show CACIB 21.04.2013, judge Mrs O. Sinko (Slo)
1st Exc, CAC, CACIB, BOB in Prague (CZ) International show CACIB 04.05.2013, judge Mrs D.Fialova (CZ)
1st Exc., CAC in Champion class in Szentes (H) National show CAC 29.06.2013, judge Mr S.Szabó (H)
1st Exc., CAC in Champion class in Salgótarján (H) National show CAC 26.10.2013, judge Mr B.P.Szabó (H)
1st Exc, CAC, CACIB, BOS in Budapest (H) International show CACIB 16.02.2014, judge Mrs K.László (H)
1st Exc, CAC, Res.CACIB in Open class in Offenburg (D) International show CACIB 16.03.2014, judge Mrs M. Kips (L)
1st Exc., CAC, CACIB, BOS in Champion class in Luxembourg (L) International show CACIB 30.03.2014, judge Mr J. Hatrich (D)
Luxembourg Champion
1st Exc., CAC in Champion class in Karcag (H) National show CAC 04.05.2014, judge Dr Váczi-Balogh Zsuzsanna (H)
1st Exc., CAC, BOB in Champion class in Veszprem (H) National show CAC 03.08.2014, judge Dr Hargitai Gábor (H)
Hungarian Grand Champion
1st Exc, Res.CAC, Res.CACIB in Komárom (H) International show CACIB 16.02.2014, judge Mr G. Robak (PL)
1st Exc, CAC, CACIB, BOB in Brno (CZ) EUROPEAN DOG show 23.10.2014, judge Mrs D.Fialova (CZ)
European Winner


         Descendance - Offspring

 Search children in the database: 53 results
 Descendance de Nyitramenti Eusebio: 53 réponses

Page 1 sur 2
Bad Boy From Angels Flowers26-12-2012
Bell Star From Angels Flowers26-12-2012
Benedister Enterprise Geordi2016
Benedister Enterprise Ogawa2016
Benedister Enterprise Uhura (Ch)21-07-2016
Berill From Angels Flowers2012
Big Ben From Angels Flowers26-12-2012
Black Baby From Angels Flowers26-12-2012
Black Knight From Angels Flowers26-12-2012
Campobell贸i Kiss Left Hand Of The Devil27-12-2015
DM (+/+) by parentage
Camp贸belloi Kiss Legends of Music Women2015
DM (+/+) by parentage
Campobell贸i Kiss Legends Of Mystic Women2015
DM (+/+) by parentage
Campobell贸i Kiss Let Me Win2015
DM (+/+) by parentage
Campobell贸i Kiss Lunar Eclipse2015
DM (+/+) by parentage
Castle's Queen Detroit Rock City19-11-2013
Castle's Queen Diamond in The Sky19-11-2013
Castle's Queen Dodge Viper19-11-2013
MDR1 (-/-) DM (+/+)
Castle's Queen Donna Karan (Ch)19-11-2013
Hungarian Junior Champion, Hungarian Champion, Hungarian Show Champion.
Castle's Queen Dream-Maker19-11-2013
Gemini in The Stars in Sherborne26-06-2015
Gertrudis von Sherborne26-06-2015
Giorgio Armani Of Sherborne26-06-2015
Glory Of Love in Sherborne26-06-2015
Good Luck For Life In Sherborne26-06-2015
Graceful Baroness Of Sherborne (Ch)26-06-2015
Kimberlit Pride Angel Baby13-06-2016
DM (+/-)
Nyitramenti Airy-Fairy2018
Nyitramenti Cacao Chocolate2018
DM (+/+) by parentage
Nyitramenti Chocolate Cocktail09-12-2018
DM (+/+) by parentage
Nyitramenti Chocolate Cream2018
DM (+/+) by parentage
Nyitramenti Coconut Chocolate19-12-2018
DM (+/+) by parentage
Rineweld Gift From The Lord (Ch)07-12-2011
Cea/Pra/Kat free, RD free, PHTVL/PHPV free, HD A, JRD clinicaly free MDR1 (+/-) DM (+/-)
Rineweld Gilda Bright Eye07-12-2011
DM (+/-) by parentage
Rineweld Gilliant The Black Diamont07-12-2011
DM (+/-) by parentage
Rineweld Gina's Loving Embrace07-12-2011
Cea/Pra/RD free MDR1 (+/-) DM (+/-) CEA (+/+) JRD (+/+)
Rineweld Ginger The Victorious07-12-2011
DM (+/-)
Rineweld Grand Briton07-12-2011
DM (+/-) by parentage
Rineweld Great Leon (Ch)07-12-2011
Cea/Pra/Kat Free, RD, PHTVL/PHPV Free, HD A - Renal ultrasound findings of negative - Hung....... MDR1 (+/+) DM (+/-)
Rineweld Mai Tai Mylady01-09-2014
Rineweld Marilyn Monroe01-09-2014
Rineweld Martini Blackanto01-09-2014
Solym谩szdombi Benny18-08-2015
Solym谩szdombi Branko18-08-2015
Solym谩szdombi Byron18-08-2015
The Pride Of The Scottish Highland Afra2017
The Pride Of The Scottish Highland Axel Rose2017
Vilties Dvelkimas Grej (Ch)28-09-2018
LT Ch, LV Ch
Yankee Blue Mountains Palladin07-06-2012
Yankee Blue Mountains Penelope07-06-2012
Yankee Blue Mountains Pitch Black07-06-2012

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