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MDR1, attention Danger
Quelques médicaments peuvent être dangereux pour nos Colleys. Consultez ce dossier pour tout savoir au sujet de MDR1.


Sommaire - Studdogs - Houbensloch Castle MacJagger Doon - 07-02-2025




Né le - D.O.B. 18-01-2017
Père - Father Wicani White Tie And Tails
Mère - Mother Houbensloch Castle Peigi Assynt
AOC/CEA ECVO clinicaly tested free at 7 weeks
MDR1 (+/+)   [..Infos..]
DM (+/+)   [..Infos..]
Divers - More Hyperurikosurie HUU clear (+/+), PRA rcd2 clear (+/+)




Houbensloch Castle MacJagger Doon
Imprimer le pedigree
Born : 18-01-2017 Blue-merle Dog

ECVO clinicaly tested free at 7 weeks, 1 year and 10 months, and at 3 years and 4 months. HD A. Hyperurikosurie HUU clear (+/+)
MDR1 (+/+) DM (+/+) CEA (+/+) PRA (+/+)
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Simuler un Pedigree - Mating combinations

Visualiser le pedigree dont le père serait Houbensloch Castle MacJagger Doon avec la chienne de votre choix, cliquez ci-dessous.
View pedigree whose father is Houbensloch Castle MacJagger Doon with the bitch of your choice, click below.


         Contacter l'éleveur - My address

Elevage Houbensloch Castle

Jacqueline Houben

Kerkstraat 70

NL-5051 LC Goirle

The Netherlands

Téléphone: +31 (0) 6 504 48 901 -

Member of S.H.V. De Collieclub and Member of Vereniging Schotse Herder Vrienden



         Plan d'accès - Kennel map

Latitude: 51.519951
Longitude: 5.072387
Latitude: 51°31'11.82"N
Longitude: 5°4'20.59"E
Kennel location for your GPS

         Dans les expositions - In the show ring

Principaux résultats en exposition


         Descendance - Offspring

 Search children in the database: 10 results
 Descendance de Houbensloch Castle MacJagger Doon: 10 réponses

Page 1 sur 1
Miceri's Uknighted20-02-2021
DM (+/+) by parentage CEA (+/-) by parentage
Miceri's Undoubtedly20-02-2021
DM (+/+) by parentage CEA (+/-) by parentage
Miceri's Uprising20-02-2021
DM (+/+) by parentage CEA (+/-) by parentage
Sparkling Jewell's Celtic Dancer29-07-2020
MDR1 (+/+) by parentage DM (+/+) by parentage PRA (+/+) by parentage
Sparkling Jewell's Safiere Blue29-07-2020
MDR1 (+/+) by parentage DM (+/+) by parentage PRA (+/+) by parentage
Sparkling Jewell's Secret Liaison29-07-2020
HD A, Dermatomyositis DMS aabb (low risk), MDR1 (+/+) DM (+/+) CEA (+/+) PRA (+/+) by parentage
Sparkling Jewell's Sign My Name29-07-2020
MDR1 (+/+) by parentage DM (+/+) by parentage PRA (+/+) by parentage
Sparkling Jewell's Silver Spurs29-07-2020
MDR1 (+/+) by parentage DM (+/+) by parentage PRA (+/+) by parentage
Sparkling Jewell's Soft'N Gentle29-07-2020
MDR1 (+/+) by parentage DM (+/+) by parentage PRA (+/+) by parentage
Sparkling Jewell's Strike By Light29-07-2020
MDR1 (+/+) by parentage DM (+/+) by parentage PRA (+/+) by parentage


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