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NIJMEGEN - 06/07/2024
06/07/2024 KCM - S.H.V - CLUB SHOW Présents-Entries: 54
Juge, judge: Hannah Wilder (Gb)
Show results submitted by Madeleine Port  

ROUGH (Mâles-Dogs-Rüden)
class: Baby, Welpenklasse - Entries: 3
Sea Dreamer's Love Is A Stranger - (TP, VV, VP) Best Baby of Breed, Best Baby in Show, ,
(Sweetmint's Uppercut x Sea Dreamer's Going In Style)
Breeder (Prod): - Owner (Prop):
Sea Dreamer's Goodbye My Lover - (TP, VV, VP) , ,
(Sweetmint's Uppercut x Sea Dreamer's Going In Style)
Breeder (Prod): - Owner (Prop):
Vivre A Cancun Du Bois Des Amazones - (TP, VV, VP)
(Paris Cancun du Bois des Amazones x Rose des Sables du Bois des Amazones)
Breeder (Prod): - Owner (Prop):


ROUGH (Mâles-Dogs-Rüden)
class: Junior - Entries: 4

1 -Medley Of Flame Disco Dave (Ch) - (Exc, V) CAC, CACJ, BEST MALE, BOS, JUNIOR BOB, JUNIO BEST IN SHOW
(Medley Of Flame Addio Arezzo x Torrino Pin Up)
Breeder (Prod): Madeleine Port - Owner (Prop): Madeleine Port
2 -Winner Of Dreams Angel Silvestre - (Exc, V) , ,
(Riverside Song Play The Game x True Dream Angel Silvestre)
Breeder (Prod): - Owner (Prop):
3 -Malouine's Voices In The Wind - (Exc, V)
(Endless Design Obsession In Black x Malouine's Galadriel Natural)
Breeder (Prod): - Owner (Prop):
4 -Kenzo Vom Klostergarten - (Exc, V)
(Kalahari of Yellow River x Yella vom Klostergarten)
Breeder (Prod): - Owner (Prop):


ROUGH (Mâles-Dogs-Rüden)
class: Intermédiaire, Intermediate, Zwischenklasse - Entries: 2

1 -Eagles Hotel California Van Het Melkmeisje - (Exc, V) , ,
(Monsolana Absolute Bliss at Emiber x Heyley the Beauty Of Emiber)
Breeder (Prod): - Owner (Prop):
Very Nice Blue Boy Of Meadows - () , ,
(One And Only de la Pierre d'Elisa x Tender Love of Blue des Gentils Malabars)
Breeder (Prod): - Owner (Prop):


ROUGH (Mâles-Dogs-Rüden)
class: Ouverte, Open, Offene Klasse - Entries: 6
1 -Ushi Angel Silvestre - (Exc, V) RCAC, ,
(Pow Wow du Clos de Seawind x Quiana Evening Star Z DanÄí Louky)
Breeder (Prod): - Owner (Prop):
2 -Prometheus Du Clos De Seawind - (Exc, V) , ,
(Riverside Song You're A Heartbreaker x New Life du Clos de Seawind)
Breeder (Prod): - Owner (Prop):
3 -Fridens Tupolev - (Exc, V)
(Fridens Flashback x Fridens Coppelitta)
Breeder (Prod): - Owner (Prop):
4 -Saparo Sweet Sunshine - (Exc, V)
(Pow Wow du Clos de Seawind x Camanna Caught Glancing)
Breeder (Prod): - Owner (Prop):
Camienja Dearest Wish - ()
(Gentji x Camienja Beautiful Lady)
Breeder (Prod): - Owner (Prop):
Frisian Roses Dream Dancer - (TB, SG, VG)
(Barca Van Het Melkmeisje x Frisian Roses Eyes Like Yours Rosa)
Breeder (Prod): - Owner (Prop):


ROUGH (Mâles-Dogs-Rüden)
class: Eleveur, Breeder, Züchterklasse - Entries: 1

1 -Bee Gees Staying Alive Van Het Melkmeisje - (Exc, V) , ,
(Jealous Guy du Domaine de Jean Vinceanne x Pearly van het Melkmeisje)
Breeder (Prod): - Owner (Prop):


ROUGH (Mâles-Dogs-Rüden)
class: Champion, Championklasse - Entries: 1

1 -Our Lad Wally Scot Of Brabo Country (Ch) - (Exc, V) , ,
(Double Scotch Gold Edward Cullen x Royal Glitter from Princes Court)
Breeder (Prod): - Owner (Prop):


ROUGH (Mâles-Dogs-Rüden)
class: Vétéran, Veteran, Veteranenklasse - Entries: 1

Royal Pride Whispers From Paradise - (TB, SG, VG) , ,
(Passion Lover Of The Loving Collies x Blue Flower Whispers from Paradise)
Breeder (Prod): - Owner (Prop):


ROUGH (Femelles-Bitches-Hündinnen)
class: Baby, Welpenklasse - Entries: 3
Sea Dreamer's Frozen In Time - (TP, VV, VP) , ,
(Sweetmint's Uppercut x Sea Dreamer's Going In Style)
Breeder (Prod): - Owner (Prop):
Hermiona Art Blue - (TP, VV, VP) , ,
(Very Special Angel Silvestre at Gataj x Pertelan Trick With Art Blue)
Breeder (Prod): - Owner (Prop):
Milton Falls Easy Lover - (TP, VV, VP)
(Sea Dreamer's I Did it Again x Majohof Next Generation Try It Out)
Breeder (Prod): - Owner (Prop):


ROUGH (Femelles-Bitches-Hündinnen)
class: Puppy, Jüngstenklasse - Entries: 1
Xanthie-Zoë Angel Silvestre - (TP, VV, VP) Best Puppy in Breed, ,
(Very Special Angel Silvestre at Gataj x Vita Angel Silvestre)
Breeder (Prod): - Owner (Prop):


ROUGH (Femelles-Bitches-Hündinnen)
class: Junior - Entries: 5
1 -Gentle Image Desire To Shine - (Exc, V) CACJ, ,
(Rules To Learn Collies Of The Lario Lake x Sea Dreamer's Somewhere In Time)
Breeder (Prod): - Owner (Prop):
2 -April Love Of Paddington Station - (Exc, V) , ,
(Rules To Learn Collies Of The Lario Lake x Mother Love Of Paddington Station)
Breeder (Prod): - Owner (Prop):
3 -Malouine's There Must Be An Angel - (Exc, V)
(Endless Design Obsession In Black x Malouine's Galadriel Natural)
Breeder (Prod): - Owner (Prop):
You Never Know Of The Loving Collies - (TB, SG, VG)
(Unbelievable Of The Loving Collies x Pearl of Blue of the Loving Collies)
Breeder (Prod): - Owner (Prop):
Pertelan Brink Of Success In Pleno - (Absent, n. ersch.)
(Winnie In Pleno x Uni In Pleno)
Breeder (Prod): - Owner (Prop):


ROUGH (Femelles-Bitches-Hündinnen)
class: Intermédiaire, Intermediate, Zwischenklasse - Entries: 3
1 -Sailor Pluto Of Emiber - (Exc, V) , ,
(Monsolana Absolute Bliss at Emiber x Zexwood Love Of My Life)
Breeder (Prod): - Owner (Prop):
2 -Eagles I Can't Tell You Why Van Het Melkmeisje - (Exc, V) , ,
(Monsolana Absolute Bliss at Emiber x Heyley the Beauty Of Emiber)
Breeder (Prod): - Owner (Prop):
3 -You're Mine Of Paddington Station - (Exc, V)
(Rules To Learn Collies Of The Lario Lake x Dream Of Me Of Paddington Station)
Breeder (Prod): - Owner (Prop):


ROUGH (Femelles-Bitches-Hündinnen)
class: Ouverte, Open, Offene Klasse - Entries: 8
1 -Killer Queen Of The Lovely Bears - (Exc, V) , ,
(Rumour Has it of the Lovely Bears x Dallinaire Noble Touch)
Breeder (Prod): - Owner (Prop):
2 -Malouine's From Here To Eternity - (Exc, V) , ,
(Just A Feeling du Clos de Seawind x Abbotsbury Quinty Royal)
Breeder (Prod): - Owner (Prop):
3 -All Eyes On Me Of Paddington Station - (Exc, V)
(Just My Type Collies Of The Lario Lake x Dream Of Me Of Paddington Station)
Breeder (Prod): - Owner (Prop):
4 -Lonney Of The Shelley Kidz - (Exc, V)
(Unbelievable Of The Loving Collies x Holley Dolley of the Shelley Kidz)
Breeder (Prod): - Owner (Prop):
Frisian Roses Follow That Dream - ()
(Kylian van het Melkmeisje x Frisian Roses Eyes Like Yours Rosa)
Breeder (Prod): - Owner (Prop):
Frisian Roses You Know My Name - ()
(Gambell Van Het Melkmeisje x Frisian Roses Angel by Moonlight)
Breeder (Prod): - Owner (Prop):
Otrera The First Queen Of Emiber - ()
(Beldones Tom Wood x Zexwood Love Of My Life)
Breeder (Prod): - Owner (Prop):
Out Of My Dreams Vom Paradies - ()
(Keystone To Ever After x Joy of Life vom Paradies)
Breeder (Prod): - Owner (Prop):


ROUGH (Femelles-Bitches-Hündinnen)
class: Eleveur, Breeder, Züchterklasse - Entries: 2

1 -Eagles Witchy Woman Van Het Melkmeisje - (Exc, V) , ,
(Monsolana Absolute Bliss at Emiber x Heyley the Beauty Of Emiber)
Breeder (Prod): - Owner (Prop):
2 -Mother Love Of Paddington Station - (Exc, V) , ,
(Maralynn Soul Catcher x Sweet Lies Of Paddington Station)
Breeder (Prod): - Owner (Prop):


ROUGH (Femelles-Bitches-Hündinnen)
class: Champion, Championklasse - Entries: 2

1 -True Dream Angel Silvestre (Ch) - (Exc, V) RCAC, ,
(Pow Wow du Clos de Seawind x Riverside Dream Angel Silvestre)
Breeder (Prod): - Owner (Prop):
2 -Heyley The Beauty Of Emiber (Ch) - (Exc, V) , ,
(In The Pocket du Bois des Amazones x Have A Dream Della Buca Delle Fate)
Breeder (Prod): - Owner (Prop):


ROUGH (Femelles-Bitches-Hündinnen)
class: Vétéran, Veteran, Veteranenklasse - Entries: 1

1 -Dream Of Me Of Paddington Station (Ch) - (Exc, V) CAC, BEST FEMALE, BOB, BIS,
(Jaybid Simply Heart 'N Soul x Bad Romance Of Paddington Station)
Breeder (Prod): - Owner (Prop): Verroen, D.


Commentaire - Comment:
  • BOB ROUGH: Dream Of Me Of Paddington Station
06.07.2024 - KCM - S.H.V.



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