Ch. Tamira's Miracles A Question Of Time Ch. Scottlyme Midas Touch Ch. Jopium Touch Of Soul For Triburle Ch. Lynmead Simply in my Soul Ch. Amalie Deep In My Soul Ch. Riding's Deep in My Heart
Ch. Amalie Sweet Surprise
Ch. Lynmead Simply Charming Amalie Mild Affair
Ch. Lynmead Love Charm at Woodwick
Lovcul Silk Caress Ch. Johnny Be Good at Brilyn Ch. Brilyn Misty Shadow at Carostar
Q'Cathy de Gold Collies
Jopium Touch of Silk Jopium Touch of Darkness
Ch. Carostar Celestine at Jopium
Scottlyme Irish Kiss Ch. Scottlyme You Got It Timeless Twilight's Fame or Fortune Ch. Jonny vom Dünnwalder Busch
Lansingh's Que Sera
Ch. Harriet Showpuppet Ch. Mallicot Sticky Fingers
Q'Cathy De Gold Collies
Ch. Scottlyme French Kiss Texas Blond du Chemin des Randonnées Ch. Scottlyme You're My Man
Ch. Nikita du Chemin des Randonnées
Ch. Scottlyme Zshady Lady Ch. Roclynn Kings Minstrel
Scottlyme Voodoo Lady
Born To Be Your Samsara Born To Be Your Quite Famous Ch. Famous Hero of Moon River Texas Blond du Chemin des Randonnées Ch. Scottlyme You're My Man
Ch. Nikita du Chemin des Randonnées
Eva Longoria of Moon River Ch. Scottlyme You're My Man
Catherine Zeta-Jones de Cal Farré
Lynmead Truly in My Soul Ch. Amalie Deep in My Soul Ch. Riding's Deep in My Heart
Ch. Amalie Sweet Surprise
Danfrebek Truly Golden at Lynmead Ch. Lynmead Love of My Life
Lynmead Yours Truly to Danfrebek
Born To Be Your Penny From Heaven Ch. Amalie Lynmead Do You Love Me Lynmead Love Me Do With Mertrisa Amalie Exotic Lover
Lynmead So in Love
Amalie Precious Surprise Amalie Exotic Lover
Belrah Secret Surprise
Born to Be Kay-Lee Ch. Viva Las Vegas du Clos des Duchesses Ch. Roméo Blond du Chemin des Randonnées
Tzarine du Clos des Duchesses
Ch. Born to Be Endless Love Ch. Samhaven Addicted To Love
Orange Amere des Marécages du Prince
Never Enough Tamira's Miracle Of Emiber Beldones Tom Wood Ch. Beldones Black Illusion Ch. Chelborn Kiss'N Tell Ch. Samhaven Time Will Tell Ch. Carostar C'est la Vie
Samhaven Springtime
Brilyn Silver Serenade to Chelborn Lynaire The Blacksmith
Brilyn Silver Symphony
Aquarelle des Beldones Brilyn Black Inspiration Chrisarion Collier
Ch. Brilyn Satin 'N' Silk at Carostar
Ch. Lynaire Something Special Jopium Touch of Darkness
Lynaire Blue Lace
Intrigue des Beldones Ch. Viking des Marécages du Prince Ch. Samhaven Contradiction Ch. Samhaven Addiction
Treglenza Elegant Charm at Samhaven
She's The One des Marécages du Prince Ch. Sandiacre Saved By The Bell
Amalie Miss Forum
Dolce Vita des Beldones Ch. Conquistador des Beldones Ch. Viking des Marécages du Prince
Anastasia du Clos de Seawind
Anggun des Beldones Old Smokey des Beldones
Carostar Pure Cascade in Glenspey
Indominus Fenix Of Emiber Beldones Napoleon Ch. Beldones Black Illusion Ch. Chelborn Kiss'N Tell Ch. Samhaven Time Will Tell
Brilyn Silver Serenade to Chelborn
Aquarelle des Beldones Brilyn Black Inspiration
Ch. Lynaire Something Special
Ch. Beldones Fit For Fun Ch. Beldones Double Diamond Eskimo des Beldones
Diamond Dream des Beldones
Intrigue des Beldones Ch. Viking des Marécages du Prince
Dolce Vita des Beldones
Zexwood Love Of My Life Ch. Amalie Lets Go Zexwood Ch. Lynmead Simply in My Soul Ch. Amalie Deep In My Soul
Ch. Lynmead Simply Charming
Amalie Let This Be Love Amalie Exotic Lover
Amalie Victoria at Wassail
Ch. Caronlea Celtic Music Ch. Lynmead Lust After Me at Caronlea Ch. Lynmead Lust in The Dust
Ch. Lynmead Simply Charming
Ch. Caronlea Dixie Chick Ch. Amalie Deep in My Soul
Lynmead Love Dust at Caronlea