Visualiser le pedigree dont le père serait
Rosscarr's Raising Chaos at Wicani avec la chienne de votre choix, cliquez ci-dessous.
View pedigree whose father is
Rosscarr's Raising Chaos at Wicani with the bitch of your choice, click below.
Contacter l'éleveur - My address
Elevage Lago Benea
Jitka Gogolínová
Červené Vrky 678
256 01 Beneov
Czech Republic
Téléphone: +420777238155 -
Plan d'accès - Kennel map
Latitude: 49.790462
Longitude: 14.682422
Latitude: 49°47'25.66"N
Longitude: 14°40'56.72"E
Kennel location for your GPS
Dans les expositions - In the show ring
Principaux résultats en exposition
19.02.2016 Ex 1, CAC, r.CACIB (BG) - Judge Nebojša Savičić
20.02.2016 Ex 1, CAC, CACIB (BG) - Judge Galina Todorova
21.02.2016 Ex 1, CAC, r.CACIB (BG) - Judge Sergii Slukin
18.06.2016 Ex (A) - Judge Opara Janusz
19.06.2016 Ex 3 (A) - Judge Kochan Anna
20.08.2016 Ex 3 (CZ) Club show - Judge Rohlin Tomas
Descendance - Offspring
Search children in the database: 5 results Descendance de Rosscarr's Raising Chaos at Wicani: 5 réponses