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Sommaire - Studdogs - Pure Black Magic von der Ischlerbahn - 12-02-2025




Né le - D.O.B. 20-07-2013
Père - Father Gti Blue of Irish Home
Mère - Mother Daydream von der Ischlerbahn
MDR1 ((+/+))   [..Infos..]
DM (+/+)   [..Infos..]
Divers - More CEA DNA (+/+)




         Contacter l'éleveur - My address

Elevage Ever After

Lenka Petráškova

Velká Bučina 73

Velvary 27324

Czech Republic

Téléphone: +420775112866 -

Klub Chovatelů kolii a šeltíí



         Plan d'accès - Kennel map

Latitude: 50.268909
Longitude: 14.246411
Latitude: 50°16'8.07"N
Longitude: 14°14'47.08"E
Kennel location for your GPS

         Dans les expositions - In the show ring

Principaux résultats en exposition
Exc 1 CAC - Specialty show Mlada Boleslav (CZ)
Exc 1 CAC - CACIB Brno (CZ)


         Descendance - Offspring

 Search children in the database: 48 results
 Descendance de Pure Black Magic von der Ischlerbahn: 48 réponses

Page 1 sur 1
Alf Bohemia Max25-08-2020
Amy Bohemia Max2022
Arien z Čirého Pramene07-07-2015
Butterfly Bohemia Max
Ciaran Black z Hradešína2021
Desirée Ever After2020
DM (+/+) by parentage
Die Another Day Ever After24-12-2020
DM (+/+) by parentage
Dorada Ever After24-12-2020
DM (+/+) by parentage
Fortunately Ever After
Fox Bohemia Max2022
Fridens Exactly The One15-11-2021
Cea/Pra/Cat clear , HD A, IPD N/N Clear, DMS AabbCc (low risk) MDR1 (+/+) DM (+/+) CEA (+/-) PRA (+/+)
George of Woodquarter31-05-2016
Gerek of Woodquarter31-05-2016
Giloh of Woodquarter31-05-2016
Giovanni of Woodquarter31-05-2016
Gismo of Woodquarter31-05-2016
Golden Girl Pabbel's of Woodquarter31-05-2016
Gordon of Woodquarter31-05-2016
Gradey of Woodquarter31-05-2016
Great Black Magic of Woodquarter31-05-2016
Grey Smoke of Woodquarter31-05-2016
Jessies Angels Alamea2016
MDR1 (+/+) by parentage DM (+/+) by parentage
Jessies Angels Amitaba Princess2016
MDR1 (+/+) by parentage DM (+/+) by parentage
Julzar Illia Imany30-06-2021
Julzar Isabelle30-06-2021
Maoam of Endless Hills26-08-2015
Marabou Of Endless Hills26-08-2015
Marshmallow Of Endless Hills26-08-2015
Mentos Mint of Endless Hills26-08-2015
Milky Way of Endless Hills26-08-2015
Nicolaysen's Zapp Zarapp13-01-2017
Prince of Sunlight Quantum Jump03-12-2015
MDR1 (+/+) DM (+/+) CEA (+/-) by parentage
Prince of Sunlight Quimby03-12-2015
HD A MDR1 (+/+) DM (+/+) CEA (+/-) by parentage
Prince Of Sunlight Quite Cool03-12-2015
MDR1 (+/+) DM (+/-) CEA (+/-) by parentage
Prince of Sunlight Quite Imposing03-12-2015
MDR1 (+/-) DM (+/-) CEA (+/-) by parentage
Prince of Sunlight Quite Magical03-12-2015
MDR1 (+/+) DM (+/-) CEA (+/-) by parentage
Roxy Angel Silvestre30-10-2018
Seabiscuit Ever After07-08-2016
Wild Black Flower Ko-To-Ra (Ch)2017
Willy Nilly Black Ko-To-Ra23-08-2017
Woodoo Ko-To-Ra23-08-2017
Zathee Fatranský Sen2016
MDR1 (+/-) by parentage
Zell Am See Fatranský Sen2016
MDR1 (+/-) by parentage
Zero Risk Fatranský Sen2016
MDR1 (+/-) by parentage
Zest By Star Fatranský Sen2016
MDR1 (+/-) by parentage
Zoom The Moon Fatranský Sen2016
MDR1 (+/-) by parentage
Zowie Fatranský Sen2016
MDR1 (+/-) by parentage
Zuza Top Fatranský Sen2016
MDR1 (+/-) by parentage


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