Inter ch, Hungaria Ch, Croatia Ch, Serbia Ch, Romania Ch
Né le - D.O.B. |
09-05-2003 |
Père - Father |
Ch. Nyitramenti Captain Blood |
Mère - Mother |
Dragon Gold Aqua Negra |
Indemne d'AOC (CEA/PRA/Cat clear) |
HD |
HD 1 |
Test ADN - DNA |
Yes/oui (DNA profil ISAG 2006) |
Divers - More |
Hungaria Derby Winner 2004. Champion of Champions 2004. |

Identification génétique: plus d'info |
TOP 1. Stud Dog 2009. TOP 2. Stud Dog 2010.
Dragon Gold Escape (Ch)
|  | Born : 09-05-2003 |
Dark Sable Dog |
CEA/PRA/KAT free - HD1 - Inter ch, Hungaria Ch, Croatia Ch, Serbia Ch, Romania Ch
Simuler un Pedigree - Mating combinations
Visualiser le pedigree dont le père serait
Dragon Gold Escape avec la chienne de votre choix, cliquez ci-dessous.
View pedigree whose father is
Dragon Gold Escape with the bitch of your choice, click below.

Contacter l'éleveur - My address
Elevage Dragon Gold
Mónika Bárdos
Tancsics M. 48.
H-2100 Gödöllő
Téléphone: +36203372258 - +3628432480
Member of Hungaria Collie, Sheltie, Corgi Club

Plan d'accès - Kennel map
Dans les expositions - In the show ring
Principaux résultats en exposition |
3xHPJ,16xCAC, 8xCACIB,2xRes.CACIB, 5xBOB, BOG, Res.BOG, BOG IV, 1xCACA |
British Collie Club Show 2005: Maiden, class 3rd place |
Euro Dog Show 2005. Tulln: Open Class winner, CACA |
World Dog Show 2006. Poznan: Champion class Excellent |
Euro Dog Show 2007. Zagreb: champion class winner, CAC |
Interchampion - Hungaria Junior Champion - Hungaria Champion - Croatia Champion - Serbia Champion - Romania Champion |
Hungaria Derby Winner 2004, Champion of Champions 2004, |
TOP 1. Adult Male 2004. TOP 3. Junior Male 2004. TOP 8. Adult Male 2006. Junior Club Star 2004. Adult Club Star 2004. TOP 1. Stud Dog 2009. TOP 2. Stud Dog 2010. |
Descendance - Offspring
Search children in the database: 14 results Descendance de Dragon Gold Escape: 14 réponses |
Photos - Pictures
Mes autres Etalons - My other Stud dogs