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    Sommaire - Studdogs - Be My Lover - 08-10-2024



    BE MY LOVER (Ch)


    Né le - D.O.B. 04-10-2008
    Père - Father Texas Blond du Chemin des Randonnées
    Mère - Mother Ch. Black Cherry de Cabrenysset
    AOC/CEA Coloboma free
    HD HD A/A
    Test ADN - DNA Oui/Yes (DNA profil ISAG 2006)

    Identification génétique: plus d'info




             Contacter l'éleveur - My address

    Elevage Torrino

    Alessandra Montini

    Loc. Torrio 4/A

    I-52100 Arezzo


    Téléphone: 0039 575 36556 - 0039 339 1527183

    Member of Società Italiana Collies



             Plan d'accès - Kennel map

    Latitude: 43.432545
    Longitude: 11.934807
    Latitude: 43°25'57.16"N
    Longitude: 11°56'5.31"E
    Kennel location for your GPS

             Dans les expositions - In the show ring

    Principaux résultats en exposition
    18/04/09 ENE Domaine St. Hillaire - 1° VP puppy class - judge Mrs. Larive
    07/06/09 Club Show Poggibonsi - 1° VP junior class - judje Mr. Congdon
    08/10/09 World Dog Show Bratislava - 1 ° Exc Best Youth - judge Mr. Kerihuel - WORLD JUNIOR CHAMPION 2009
    09/04/10 International Show Monaco - 1° Exc CAC Cacib - judge Mr. Kerihuel
    25/04/10 ENE Domaine St. Hillaire - 2° Exc Breeder class - judge Mr. Santen
    16/05/10 National Show Albarella - 1° Exc CAC BOB BOG - judge Mr. Sambucco
    06/11/2010 National Show Chieti 1° Ex CAC judge Mrs. Manola Poggesi
    11/12/2010 International Show Erba 1° Ex CAC CACIB BOB judge Mrs. Barbara Gallicchio
    12/12/2010 Club Show Erba 1° Ex CAC BOS BOB BIS judge Mr. Ruud Santen
    22/01/2011 Club Show Milano - 1° Ex CAC BOS BOB BIS - Judge Mrs. Judit Korozs Papp
    29/01/2011 International Show Padova - 1° Ex CAC CACIB BOB - Judge Mr. Giancarlo Sambucco - Be My Lover becomes ITALIAN CHAMPION


             Descendance - Offspring

     Search children in the database: 19 results
     Descendance de Be My Lover: 19 réponses

    Page 1 sur 1
    Benji Junior30-08-2014
    Cat Florence Nero Wolfe2012
    Christian Dior at Angels Paradise23-12-2009
    Christmas Carol23-12-2009
    East Witch2010
    Eclipse Of The Moon20-01-2014
    Epril Forever20-01-2014
    Ke Fiha Della Buca Della Fate2013
    Kefia Della Buca Delle Fate2013
    Kill Bill della Buca Delle Fate04-02-2013
    Cea free, HD A
    Magic Moment Fulva Della Cambianella08-01-2012
    Cea 0, HD A
    Maya della Collina dei Ciliegi2014
    Mexico della Collina dei Ciliegi2014
    Sangtrait Buddy
    Sangtrait Guizmo20-11-2013
    Torrino Candy Man23-12-2009
    Torrino Christian Dior23-12-2009
    Cea free - HD A/B - MDR1 (-/-)
    Torrino Easy Lady2011
    Torrino Eau Sauvage05-03-2011


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             Mes autres Etalons - My other Stud dogs





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