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    Sommaire - Studdogs - Bejewelled Sky of the Windy Lands - 10-10-2024




    JCh Slovenia, JCh Croatia, Zagreb J Winner '15, Croation J Club Winner '15, Ch Croatia

    Né le - D.O.B. 23-02-2015
    Père - Father Ch. Hot N'Sp'Icy Of The Holy Mountain
    Mère - Mother Ch. A Blue Pearl Of The Holy Mountain
    AOC/CEA Indemne AOC (CEA/PRA/Cat free)
    HD HD A/A, ED 0/0
    MDR1 ((+/-))   [..Infos..]
    DM (+/-)   [..Infos..]
    Divers - More Inflammatory Pulmonary Disease (IPD) clear (WT/WT)
    Spondylosis free, full dentition




    Bejewelled Sky of the Windy Lands (Ch)
    Imprimer le pedigree
    Born : 23-02-2015 Blue-merle Dog
    Ch. Hot N'Sp'Icy Of The Holy Mountain Ch. Wicani Ent'Iced Ch. Glasgowhill's Future Vision Ch. Glasgowhill's Be A Rockstar
    Glasgowhill's Mocha Latte
    Wicani Moonlight on Ice Wicani Nighthawk
    Wicani Moonlight on Water
    Ch. Wicani Touched By a Dream Wicani Waltz of The New Moon Wicani What's New Pussycat
    Wicani Dances By Moonlight
    Seryphina Dance of the Raven Moon Wicani What's New Pussycat
    Ch. Wicani Touch of Elegance at Seryphina
    Ch. A Blue Pearl Of The Holy Mountain Virus Noir des Marécages du Prince Ch. Shame and Scandal des Marécages du Prince Lynaire Silver Josh
    Ma Soeur Anne de la Vallée des Noyères
    Total Eclipse des Marécages du Prince Orage Bleu des Marécages du Prince
    Slave To Love des Marécages du Prince
    Born To Be Femme Fatale Silver Dream Blue Exclusive Edition Válinor Black Legend
    Silver Dream Virginia's Blue
    Ch. Silver Dream Black Yucca Sanside Soul Brother
    Ch. Silver Dream Blue Kiwi

    Cea/Pra/Kat free, HD A, Inflammatory Pulmonary Disease (IPD) clear (WT/WT) - JCh Slovenia, JCh Croatia, Zagreb J Winner '15, Croatian J Club Winner, Ch Croatia
    MDR1 (+/-) by parentage DM (+/-)
    Color ONColor OFF


    Simuler un Pedigree - Mating combinations

    Visualiser le pedigree dont le père serait Bejewelled Sky of the Windy Lands avec la chienne de votre choix, cliquez ci-dessous.
    View pedigree whose father is Bejewelled Sky of the Windy Lands with the bitch of your choice, click below.



             Contacter l'éleveur - My address

    Elevage Windy Lands

    Mojca Furlan

    Lokavec 3b

    5270 Ajdovščina


    Téléphone: -

    Owner: Mojca Furlan



             Plan d'accès - Kennel map

    Latitude: 45.900791
    Longitude: 13.880816
    Latitude: 45°54'2.85"N
    Longitude: 13°52'50.94"E
    Kennel location for your GPS

             Dans les expositions - In the show ring

    Principaux résultats en exposition
    Slovenian junior champion
    Croatian junior champion
    Croatian junior club champion
    Zagreb junior Winner 2015


             Descendance - Offspring

     Search children in the database: 5 results
     Descendance de Bejewelled Sky of the Windy Lands: 5 réponses

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