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GENÈVE - 25/08/2023/
25/08/2023/ CAC SPECIALTY Présents-Entries: 37
Juge, judge: Jadranka Mijatovic
Show results submitted by Marta Farkas  

ROUGH (Mâles-Dogs-Rüden)
class: Baby, Welpenklasse - Entries: 1
Father's Son Immanuel Le Bonheur De Maxxime - (TP, VV, VP) Best Minor Puppy, ,
(Monsolana Army Of Love x Top Less Jesslynn)
Breeder (Prod): Endres, Ralph-Peter - Owner (Prop): Endres, Ralph-Peter


ROUGH (Mâles-Dogs-Rüden)
class: Puppy, Jüngstenklasse - Entries: 2
Arès De Castel Vegney - (TP, VV, VP) Best Puppy, ,
(Canon Rock Of Jerry C x Skywarrior's Dreaming of Hope)
Breeder (Prod): Rochat, Suzanne - Owner (Prop): Rochat, Suzanne
Bentley Flying Spur Jetaville - (TP, VV, VP) , ,
(Source Of Beauty Dubioza Kolektiv x Vilties Dvelkimas Frida)
Breeder (Prod): Hakova, Tamara - Owner (Prop): Hakova, Tamara


ROUGH (Mâles-Dogs-Rüden)
class: Junior - Entries: 3

1 -Nolynna Lux Black Indigo - (Exc, V) CACJ, BEST JUNIOR,
(Nolynna Lux Blue Fornax x Nolynna Lux Black Charisma)
Breeder (Prod): Farkas, Márta Barbara - Owner (Prop): Farkas, Márta Barbara
2 -Sinstyle Olympic Flame - (Exc, V) RCAC-J, ,
(Riverside Song Just Like A Heaven x Sinstyle Alita Sel Mondore)
Breeder (Prod): Vlasyuk, Elena - Owner (Prop): Clares, Yasmina
Gallant Hercules Irsedgard - (Absent, n. ersch.)
(Gatefield Hold On Your Dream x Rising Light Olympic Girl)
Breeder (Prod): Irina, Garevica-Jurevica - Owner (Prop): Irina, Garevica-Jurevica


ROUGH (Mâles-Dogs-Rüden)
class: Intermédiaire, Intermediate, Zwischenklasse - Entries: 2
Cleverking Light In The Dark - (TB, SG, VG) , ,
(Cleverking Just Like Heaven x Cleverking Music And Lights)
Breeder (Prod): Selnes, T. & J. E. Uhren - Owner (Prop): Müller, Valeska
Canon Rock Of Jerry C - (TB, SG, VG) , ,
(Benjamin Della Porta Saracena x Creme Caramel For Cassandra)
Breeder (Prod): Massari, Emanuele - Owner (Prop): Rochat, Suzanne


ROUGH (Mâles-Dogs-Rüden)
class: Ouverte, Open, Offene Klasse - Entries: 3
1 -Belrosa If I Can Dream - (Exc, V) CAC, ,
(Milas Temptation x Milas Fascination)
Breeder (Prod): Pheiffer, Annemarie - Owner (Prop): Drougge, Anne-Marie
Benedister Blue Joe - (TB, SG, VG) , ,
(Wicani Excalibur x Nolynna Lux Blue Endorphine)
Breeder (Prod): Bukovi, Mária - Owner (Prop): Bukovi, Mária
Corydon Cliquot - (TB, SG, VG)
(Corydon Pol Roger x Mejola Famous Attraction For Corydon)
Breeder (Prod): Blake, Miranda & John - Owner (Prop): Mayoraz Bolli, Patricia


ROUGH (Mâles-Dogs-Rüden)
class: Champion, Championklasse - Entries: 6

1 -Nolynna Lux Blue Fornax (Ch) - (Exc, V) CAC, BEST ADULT MALE,
(Thorgal The Black Handsome Magiczny Szkot x Nolynna Lux Blue Druantia)
Breeder (Prod): Farkas, Márta Barbara - Owner (Prop): Farkas, Márta Barbara
2 -Belrosa Always On My Mind (Ch) - (Exc, V) RCAC, ,
(Milas Temptation x Milas Fasscination)
Breeder (Prod): Pheiffer, Annemarie - Owner (Prop): Drougge, Anne-Marie
3 -Rising Light Scotland Yard (Ch) - (Exc, V)
(Skabona The Gambler x Rising Light New May Miss)
Breeder (Prod): Rising Light - Owner (Prop): Kuprijanova, Irina
4 -Benedister Firemaker Porthos (Ch) - (Exc, V)
(Winston Magiczny Szkot x Benedister Alcantara)
Breeder (Prod): Bukovi, Mária - Owner (Prop): Bukovi, Mária
Ametyst Purple Dark Jetaville (Ch) - (Exc, V)
(Atas VÄ—jo Vaikai x Vilties Dvelkimas Frida)
Breeder (Prod): Hakova, Tamara - Owner (Prop): Hakova, Tamara
Sinstyle Stephen King (Ch) - (Exc, V)
(Alsting Mónaco x Elegant Miracle Lambada)
Breeder (Prod): Vlasyuk, Elena - Owner (Prop): Clares, Yasmina


ROUGH (Mâles-Dogs-Rüden)
class: Vétéran, Veteran, Veteranenklasse - Entries: 1

1 -One Extraordinary Blu Di Cambiano (Ch) - (Exc, V) CAC, BEST VETERAN, BOB,
(Steadwyn Blue Legend x Hit Parade Blu di Cambiano)
Breeder (Prod): Garabelli, Maria Teresa - Owner (Prop): Falletto, Gianpaolo


ROUGH (Femelles-Bitches-Hündinnen)
class: Baby, Welpenklasse - Entries: 1
Finest Blue Selection Le Bonheur De Maxxime - (TP, VV, VP) , ,
(Monsolana Army Of Love x Top Less Jesslynn)
Breeder (Prod): Endres, Ralph-Peter - Owner (Prop): Endres, Ralph-Peter


ROUGH (Femelles-Bitches-Hündinnen)
class: Junior - Entries: 2
Wisewyn Ballroom Elegance - (TB, SG, VG) , ,
(Dancing With Stranger Lustosa De Laia x Latin Dancer Lustosa De Laia)
Breeder (Prod): Marquez, Sofia - Owner (Prop): Rochat, Suzanne
Mc Leod's Victoria's Conquest - (Absent, n. ersch.) , ,
(Mc Leod's Pat Boone x Afterglow Imagination)
Breeder (Prod): Hess,Ursula & Marcel & Corinna - Owner (Prop): Hales, Belinda


ROUGH (Femelles-Bitches-Hündinnen)
class: Intermédiaire, Intermediate, Zwischenklasse - Entries: 4
1 -Flying Arrow Collympic Wind - (Exc, V) CAC, BEST ADULT FEMALE, BOS,
(Rising Light Scotland Yard x Afina VÄ—jo Vaikai)
Breeder (Prod): Petrova, Inga - Owner (Prop): Petrova, Inga
Tequila Sunrise Du Bois Des Amazones - (TB, SG, VG) , ,
(Dolce Venezia Opération Bataillon x Rhythm-to-Love du Bois des Amazones)
Breeder (Prod): Agoutin, Fleur - Owner (Prop): Tott, Reinhard
Tellme's Timeless Attraction - (TB, SG, VG)
(Xman Della Buca Delle Fate x Chantique Tell Me No Secrets)
Breeder (Prod): Loseth, Bente - Owner (Prop): Jensen, Hilde
Chanel Princess Of Forever Mind - (Absent, n. ersch.)
(River Dancer of Forever Mind x Curly-Sue vom Haus Rosenpracht)
Breeder (Prod): Prummer, Hedwig - Owner (Prop): Wenzler, Stefanie


ROUGH (Femelles-Bitches-Hündinnen)
class: Ouverte, Open, Offene Klasse - Entries: 7
1 -Campobellói Kiss Night Ray Princess - (Exc, V) CAC, ,
(Wicani Excalibur x Wicani Blue Ivy For Kevranna)
Breeder (Prod): Kiss, Mária - Owner (Prop): Bukovi, Mária
2 -Agate Fiery Jetaville (Ch) - (Exc, V) RCAC, ,
(Atas VÄ—jo Vaikai x Vilties Dvelkimas Frida)
Breeder (Prod): Hakova, Tamara - Owner (Prop): Kurdjumova, Jelena
Androma Innocent Kiss - (TB, SG, VG)
(Lancelot Sir vom Brüggener-Land x Androma Bohemian Rhapsody)
Breeder (Prod): Velepec, Andreja - Owner (Prop): Mayoraz Bolli, Patricia
A Starlight Is Born Arizona Of Forever Mind - (TB, SG, VG)
(Shooting Star Prince of Forever Mind x Curly-Sue vom Haus Rosenpracht)
Breeder (Prod): Prummer, Hedwig - Owner (Prop): Prummer, Hedwig
Monsolana Lady Killer - (TB, SG, VG)
(Riverside Song Voice Of Fate x Aaronwell Alicia Markova)
Breeder (Prod): Buldakova, Olga - Owner (Prop): Prummer, Hedwig
Corydon La Grande Dame - (Absent, n. ersch.)
(Corydon Pol Roger x Mejola Famous Attraction For Corydon)
Breeder (Prod): Miranda & John Blake - Owner (Prop): Thibaud, Françoise
Dear Sky Swallow Irsedgard - (Absent, n. ersch.)
(Atas VÄ—jo Vaikai x Rising Light Olympic Girl)
Breeder (Prod): Irina, Garevica-Jurevica - Owner (Prop): Irina, Garevica-Jurevica


ROUGH (Femelles-Bitches-Hündinnen)
class: Champion, Championklasse - Entries: 2
1 -Bohemian Rhapsody Collympic Wind (Ch) - (Exc, V) CAC, ,
(Nyitramenti Vesuvius Volcano x Veja VÄ—jo Vaikai)
Breeder (Prod): Petrova, Inga - Owner (Prop): Petrova, Inga
Eagle Coast Beginning Of My Beautiful Sun Time (Ch) - (TB, SG, VG) , ,
(Chantique Calvin Klein x Rosegarden Yamaica Fever)
Breeder (Prod): Tott, Reinhard - Owner (Prop): Tott, Reinhard


ROUGH (Femelles-Bitches-Hündinnen)
class: Vétéran, Veteran, Veteranenklasse - Entries: 3
1 -Collie's Of Sealand Ukuma Ulaika-Red (Ch) - (Exc, V) CAC, ,
(Collie's of Sealand Pink Panther Red x Lucinda-Blue of Amandelinda)
Breeder (Prod): Zwygart, Eliane - Owner (Prop): Zwygart, Eliane
2 -Gothique Sombre Des Champs De Pierres - (Exc, V) RCAC, ,
(Bambou d'Or de Castel d'Oques x Caprice Noire des Champs de Pierres)
Breeder (Prod): Mayoraz Bolli, Patricia - Owner (Prop): Mayoraz Bolli, Patricia
Rosegarden Yamaica Fever (Ch) - (TB, SG, VG)
(Heaven Can Wait vom Haus Rosenpracht x Rosegarden Xplosive Flame)
Breeder (Prod): Fricke, Claus-Peter - Owner (Prop): Tott, Reinhard


Commentaire - Comment:
  • BOB ROUGH: One Extraordinary Blu Di Cambiano
25.08.2023. - GENEVE



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