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ZAKRZÓW - 16/04/2023
16/04/2023 CAC Présents-Entries: 14
Juge, judge: Andrzej Tarnowski (Pl)
Show results submitted by Elwira Zasuń  

ROUGH (Mâles-Dogs-Rüden)
class: junior - Entries: 2
1 -Torrino Top Gun - (Exc, V) CACJ, BEST JUNIOR IN BREED,
(Monsolana Song For Me x Monsolana Everspace For Angels Paradise)
Breeder (Prod): - Owner (Prop):
Highland Journey Wolf In Sheep's Skin - (TB, SG, VG) , ,
(Ravenshollow Angel Schlesser x Aydeen Citrine Allure)
Breeder (Prod): Magdalena Wilk - Owner (Prop): Magdalena Wilk


ROUGH (Mâles-Dogs-Rüden)
class: Ouverte, Open, Offene Klasse - Entries: 1

1 -Bohun Actis (Ch) - (Exc, V) CAC, BEST DOG, BEST OPPOSITE SEX,
(Chelborn Kiss'N Tell x Java Actis)
Breeder (Prod): Elwira Zasuń - Owner (Prop): Elwira Zasuń


ROUGH (Mâles-Dogs-Rüden)
class: Champion, Championklasse - Entries: 2

1 -Scot Shepherds of Czyż (Ch) - (Exc, V) CAC, ,
(Hot N'Sp'Icy Of The Holy Mountain x Jasmin Fresh Morning Shepherds of Czyż)
Breeder (Prod): Dariusz Czyż - Owner (Prop): Dariusz Czyż
2 -Rassell Shepherds of Czyż (Ch) - (Exc, V) , ,
(Amalie Lynmead Masterpiece x Black Rhea Fatranský Sen)
Breeder (Prod): Dariusz Czyż - Owner (Prop): Halina Dereń


ROUGH (Femelles-Bitches-Hündinnen)
class: junior - Entries: 2
1 -Branlico Finezyjna Fiona - (Exc, V) CACJ, ,
(Cicero Fellow Of Eternity x Branlico Cookie)
Breeder (Prod): Aneta Broda - Owner (Prop): Aneta Broda
2 -True Blue Szkockie Wrzosowisko (Ch) - (Exc, V) , ,
(One Black Diamond du Bois des Amazones x Monsolana Singer Happiness)
Breeder (Prod): Beata Piotrowska - Owner (Prop): Anna Grzelak-Przybylo


ROUGH (Femelles-Bitches-Hündinnen)
class: Intermédiaire, Intermediate, Zwischenklasse - Entries: 3

1 -La Quina Actis (Ch) - (Exc, V) CAC, ,
(Obelix Actis x La Bambola Actis)
Breeder (Prod): Elwira Zasuń - Owner (Prop): Elwira Zasuń
2 -Emotion In Motion Della Buca Delle Fate - (Exc, V) , ,
(Pensiero Stupendo Della Buca Delle Fate x Naiade Du Domaine Des Emeraudes)
Breeder (Prod): - Owner (Prop):
3 -Ozanna Magiczny Szkot - (Exc, V)
(Igen Magiczny Szkot x Grace Biss Magiczny Szkot)
Breeder (Prod): Grubba - Owner (Prop): Halina Dereń


ROUGH (Femelles-Bitches-Hündinnen)
class: Ouverte, Open, Offene Klasse - Entries: 3

1 -Desire For Love Actis (Ch) - (Exc, V) CAC, BEST BITCH, BOB, BOG 4,
(Obelix Actis x Tiganlea This Must Be Love)
Breeder (Prod): Elwira Zasuń - Owner (Prop): Elwira Zasuń
2 -Klara Shepherds of Czyż - (Exc, V) , ,
(Scot Shepherds of Czyż x Electra Gibsonova Púšť)
Breeder (Prod): Dariusz Czyż - Owner (Prop): Dariusz Czyż
3 -Saga In Pleno - (Exc, V)
(Akai Mystery Shugar Baby x Panacea In Pleno)
Breeder (Prod): - Owner (Prop): Bartosz Nowak


SMOOTH (Femelles-Bitches-Hündinnen)
class: junior - Entries: 1

1 -Castanea Pythagora z Modrého Království - (Exc, V) CAC, BEST JUNIOR IN BREED, BOB,
(Cassius Clay From The Sun of China x Adina Dvůr Bažantnice)
Breeder (Prod): Lucie Glaserova - Owner (Prop): Nada Lundakova


Commentaire - Comment:
  • BOB ROUGH: Desire For Love Actis
  • BOB SMOOTH: Castanea Pythagora Z Modreho Kralovstvi
  • DESIRE FOR LOVE Actis Poland - got also 4th place in Group
16.04.2023 - ZAKRZÓW


Photos Elwira Zasuń

Cliquez sur les vignettes pour agrandir - Click to enlarge

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Desire For Love Actis : BOB,




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