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LUBLIN - 10/12/2023
10/12/2023 CACIB Présents-Entries: 12
Juge, judge: Magdalena Kozlowska (Pl)
Show results submitted by Elwira Zasuń  

ROUGH (Mâles-Dogs-Rüden)
class: Jeune, Youth, Jugendklasse - Entries: 2
1 -Bangladesh Roccus Mistur - (Exc, V) CACJ, BOB,
( x )
Breeder (Prod): Beata Lewandowska - Owner (Prop): Natalia Szuster
Too Much Love Du Clos De Seawind - (Absent, n. ersch.) , ,
(Ticket To Heaven Angel Silvestre x Radio Gaga du Clos de Seawind)
Breeder (Prod): Gilles Mervant - Owner (Prop): Izabela Truszkowska


ROUGH (Mâles-Dogs-Rüden)
class: Ouverte, Open, Offene Klasse - Entries: 2

1 -Abu Bayla Line - (Exc, V) CAC, RCACIB,
(Wicani Lord Of The Isles x Bayla Charzykowskie Siedlisko)
Breeder (Prod): Bogumiła Malczak - Owner (Prop): Hubert Ochnio
Wicani Freedom Flashing (Ch) - () , ,
(Wicani W'Oldsman x Wicani Witch Fire)
Breeder (Prod): - Owner (Prop): Tomasz Połomski


ROUGH (Mâles-Dogs-Rüden)
class: Champion, Championklasse - Entries: 4

1 -Bohun Actis (Ch) - (Exc, V) CACIB, CAC, BEST ADULT DOG
(Chelborn Kiss'N Tell x Java Actis)
Breeder (Prod): Elwira Zasuń - Owner (Prop): Elwira Zasuń
2 -Wicani Lord Of The Isles (Ch) - (Exc, V) , ,
(Orionsview Blue Knight at Stregato x Van-M Tarantella)
Breeder (Prod): - Owner (Prop): Tomasz Połomski
Winnie In Pleno (Ch) - ()
(Riverside Song Whisperman x Arwena Terra Lacus)
Breeder (Prod): - Owner (Prop): Bogumiła Malczak


ROUGH (Femelles-Bitches-Hündinnen)
class: Intermédiaire, Intermediate, Zwischenklasse - Entries: 1
1 -Akela Bayla Line - (Exc, V) CACIB, ,
(Wicani Lord Of The Isles x Bayla Charzykowskie Siedlisko)
Breeder (Prod): - Owner (Prop): Bogumiła Malczak


ROUGH (Femelles-Bitches-Hündinnen)
class: Ouverte, Open, Offene Klasse - Entries: 2
1 -A Blue Star For Cambiano - (Exc, V) -, ,
( x )
Breeder (Prod): Alex Solbiati - Owner (Prop): Wiesława Adamska
2 -Terravita Actis (Ch) - (Exc, V) , ,
(Hello Spank Of Emiber x Terranova Actis)
Breeder (Prod): Elwira Zasuń - Owner (Prop): Elwira Zasuń


ROUGH (Femelles-Bitches-Hündinnen)
class: Champion, Championklasse - Entries: 1

1 -Desire For Love Actis (Ch) - (Exc, V) CAC, RCACIB,
(Obelix Actis x Tiganlea This Must Be Love)
Breeder (Prod): Elwira Zasuń - Owner (Prop): Elwira Zasuń


Commentaire - Comment:
  • BOB ROUGH: Bangladesh Roccus Mistur
  • Video from show coming soon.
10.12.2023 - LUBLIN



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