Pelido Crystal Blue 

Pelido Demon Lover Ch. Incredibly Blu di Cambiano Ch. Lupupick Blu di Cambiano Silver Dag von Holderfeld Ionico Blue di Cambiano
Black Penny vom Bienenfleiss
Ch. New Moon Nera di Cambiano Mercurio Nero di Cambiano
Ch. Ciraveen Snow Belle
Ch. Grimhaven Blue Opal Glenalan's Night Fury of Clickam Ch. Clickam Night Superior
Glenalan's Blue Moon
Grimhaven Blue Mist Ch. Danvis Ladyvale Blue Mist
Sangreat Saga
Ch. Pelido Silver Lady Ch. Cathanbrae Polar Moon at Pelido Pelido Black Prince Brettonpark Highlander of Dunsinane
Pelido Doretta of Dunsinane
Cathanbrae Southern Belle Ch. Cathanbrae Willow Pattern
Cotsbelle Heavenly Blue from Cathanbrae
Pelido Minuetto Allegretto Pelido Black Prince Brettonpark Highlander of Dunsinane
Pelido Doretta of Dunsinane
Moon Moss of Dunsinane From Pelido Bririch Black Cavalier
Moonsparkle of Dunsinane
Pelido Krystal Blue at Daviston Ch. Alenzone Blue Stratos at Pelido Pelido Hot Chocolate Ch. Cathanbrae Polar Moon at Pelido Pelido Black Prince
Cathanbrae Southern Belle
Pelido Eclipse Over Jeffield Ch. Cathanbrae Polar Moon at Pelido
Pelido Blue Sparkle
Ch. Sandridge Silver Star at Alenzone Ch. Upperton Blue Brand Ch. Cathanbrae Polar Moon at Pelido
Upperton my Blue Heaven
Cathanbrae Bon Ami of Sandridge Ch. Cathanbrae Smokey Joe
Cathanbrae Coal Black Madam
Pelido Sea Belle Pelido Midnight Love Affair Ch. Cathanbrae Polar Moon at Pelido Pelido Black Prince
Cathanbrae Southern Belle
Pelido Crystal Clear Renesons Cathanbrae Clear Blue
Pelido Pirouette of Dunloe
Pelido Black Eyed Susie Ch. Cathanbrae Polar Moon at Pelido Pelido Black Prince
Cathanbrae Southern Belle
Pelido Deep Purple Pelido Black Prince
Pelido Bloomers
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AVK: 75.81 - Perte d'Hétérozygotie (Ahnenverlust): 24.19% | COI:  8,5876%
COI: Coefficient Of Inbreeding
Inbreeding occurs when an individual has one or more common ancestors.
A common ancestor is one that is present on both sides of the pedigree.
COI shows the degree of relationship between the parents and indicates the possibility that two alleles of a gene are completely alike with another dog in the pedigree.
COI = F(x) + F(y)
Un chien est consanguin lorsqu'il a un ou plusieurs ancêtres communs présents sur les deux côtés (paternel et maternel) du pedigree. <br>
Le COI indique la probabilité que deux allèles d'un même gène d'un ancêtre soient identiques.<br>
Le calcul du COI étant la somme de tous les ancêtres communs identifiés dans le pedigree:<br>
COI = F (x) + F (y)
Color OFF:
pedigree shown without coloring of common ancestors.
Pedigree présenté sans mise en couleur des ancêtres communs.
1/2 color:
Soft colors for the common ancestors.
Mise en évidence des ancêtres communs en utilsant des couleurs douces.
Color ON:
Strong colors for the common ancestors.
Mise en évidence des ancêtres communs en utilsant des couleurs vives.
Pedigree displayed on 4 generations (4G).
Présentation du pedigree sur 4 générations (4G).
Pedigree displayed on 6 generations (6G).
Présentation du pedigree sur 6 générations (6G).