Collie online-  Pedigrees  -  Virtual Pedigree12/02/2025 15:31

Stats (About pedigrees)
  • Pedigrees: 73356
  • Photos: 22052
ADN (Genetic Health)

Père - Father

  • Né le (D.O.B.): 30-04-2016
  • Couleur (Coat colour): Dark Sable
  • Infos: 
  • MDR1 (+/-)
  • DM (+/+)

Mère - Mother

  • Née le (D.O.B.): 2016
  • Couleur (Coat colour): Sable/white
  • Infos: 
Nyitramenti Soloist Nyitramenti Challenger Ch. Nyitramenti Chimney-Sweep Ch. Do It Again Fulvo della Cambianella Ch. Mirpet Matt Bianco
Red Strawberry Fulva della Cambianella
Ch. Sharidon Ayleen Carrow Spicer Ch. Roclynn Kings Minstrel
Ch. Nyitramenti Pastoral
Ch. New Inspiration ze Zlate Jalny Ch. Nyitramenti Captain Blood Ch. Do It Again Fulvo della Cambianella
Ch. Sharidon Ayleen Carrow Spicer
Ch. Running Girly von Belvedere Sea Dreamer's I'M Maikel
Malouine's Spread Your Wings
Ch. Nyitramenti Bridget of Radway Ch. Nyitramenti Waterloo Ch. Ranger von Belvedere Sea Dreamer's I'm Maikel
Malouine's Spread Your Wings
Ch. Nyitramenti Leitmotive Ch. Nyitramenti Chimney-Sweep
Ch. Nyitramenti Follow The Fashion
Snow Stail Acme of Perfection Ch. Gemastra Hot Chocolate Gemastra Teasy Weasy of Cheilnor
Gemastra Droopy Drawers
Ch. Snow Stail Reality Show Snow Stail Infinity Empire
Snow Stail Kingly Taste
Ch. Nyitramenti Unify Source Of Beauty Ch. Chantique Huggy Bear for Tiganlea Designed With Love of Slatestone For Chantique Emryks Designed To Love Emryks Look Again
Emryks a Gift of Love
Zent From Heaven of Slatestone Ch. Brilyn Misty Shadow at Carostar
Glen Morristone's Together Forever
Chantique Dream de Lux Ch. Xotic Lover of Slatestone Ch. Riding's Deep in My Heart
Unchain my Heart of Slatestone
Love in the Sun with Gerian Emryks Look Again
Ch. Salsina Love 'N' Cherish with Gerian
Ch. Source Of Beauty All That You Love Nyitramenti Challenger Ch. Nyitramenti Chimney-Sweep Ch. Do It Again Fulvo della Cambianella
Ch. Sharidon Ayleen Carrow Spicer
Ch. New Inspiration ze Zlate Jalny Ch. Nyitramenti Captain Blood
Ch. Running Girly von Belvedere
Ch. Nyitramenti Jaffa Ch. Nyitramenti Zinedine Zidane Ch. Kõakói Terry Tramp
Ch. Snow Stail Goddess
Ch. Nyitramenti Dreamdance Rhum Coca de la Ballotine
Ch. Nyitramenti Leitmotive
  • ??
  • AVK: 77.42
  • COI: 7,5829%
  • COIR:7,9735%
Eléments de consanguinité - Inbreeding evaluation
Les couleurs de la descendance - Offspring coat color
Père (Father)
Mère (Mother)
Nyitramenti Soloist 
Nyitramenti Unify Source Of Beauty 
Descendance - Offspring coat color:
Tout savoir sur les couleurs du Colley - Collie coat color, click here
Profil génétique de la portée - Genetic Health of the litter


Chiots (Puppies):

Profils inconnus: Potentiellement tous, de (+/+) à (-/-)
Profils unknown: Potential all, from (+/+) to (-/-)

MDR1: Données génétiques pour le Colley (Genetic data for Collie)

MDR1: Chiens testés (Dogs tested) 8225

  1. MDR1 (+/+): 2587   (31.5%)
  2. MDR1 (+/-): 3858   (46.9%)
  3. MDR1 (-/-): 1780   (21.6%)

MDR1: Infos, cliquez ici (click here)



Chiots (Puppies):

Profils inconnus: Entre 100% (+/+) et 100% (+/-)
Profils unknown: Between 100% (+/+) and 100% (+/-)

DM: Données génétiques pour le Colley (Genetic data for Collie)

DM: Chiens testés (Dogs tested) 2408

  1. DM (+/+): 1542   (64%)
  2. DM (+/-): 768   (31.9%)
  3. DM (-/-): 98   (4.1%)

DM: Infos, cliquez ici (click here)



Chiots (Puppies):

Profils génétiques inconnus
DNA profils unknown

CEA: Données génétiques pour le Colley (Genetic data for Collie)

CEA: Chiens testés (Dogs tested) 1440

  1. CEA (+/+): 482   (33.5%)
  2. CEA (+/-): 686   (47.6%)
  3. CEA (-/-): 272   (18.9%)


Chiots (Puppies):

Profils génétiques inconnus
DNA profils unknown

PRA: Données génétiques pour le Colley (Genetic data for Collie)

PRA: Chiens testés (Dogs tested) 610

  1. PRA (+/+): 596   (97.7%)
  2. PRA (+/-): 14   (2.3%)
  3. PRA (-/-): 0   (0%)


Chiots (Puppies):

Profils génétiques inconnus
DNA profils unknown

JRD: Données génétiques pour le Colley (Genetic data for Collie)

JRD: Chiens testés (Dogs tested) 107

  1. JRD (+/+): 84   (78.5%)
  2. JRD (+/-): 22   (20.6%)
  3. JRD (-/-): 1   (0.9%)
Nyitramenti Soloist: Sa descendance (Offspring):
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DM (+/+)

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Pour aller plus loin (More)
  • Des idées de noms pour les chiots - Ideas for names for puppies: Click here
  • Les couleurs du Colley - Collie coat color: Click here
  • La reproduction, un dossier complet sur le sujet - all about a mating: Click here



Indicates to us the suspected loss of ancestors.
The AVK for n-generation family tree is calculated by the number of actual (independent - unrepeatable) ancestors, and the total number of possible ancestors.
Inbreeding coefficient total IC (COI) :
We evaluate inbreeding of each animal according to the 'coefficient of relationship' proposed by Sewell Wright.
Inbreeding and Relationship Coefficient (COIR) :
Wright's equation for calculating the COI + closely inbreeding of each parent.
A calculation that is more representative of the real relationship of dogs evaluated.