Collie online-  Pedigrees  -  Virtual Pedigree03/10/2024 12:25

Stats (About pedigrees)
  • Pedigrees: 72943
  • Photos: 21892
ADN (Genetic Health)

Père - Father

  • Né le (D.O.B.): 01-06-2014
  • Couleur (Coat colour): Blue-merle
  • Infos: CEA clinically free, JRD clinically free
  • MDR1 (+/-)
  • DM (+/+)
  • PRA (+/+)

Mère - Mother

  • Née le (D.O.B.): 09-08-2013
  • Couleur (Coat colour): Tricolour
  • Infos: 
  • MDR1 (+/-)
  • DM (+/-)
Nolynna Lux Blue Apocalypse Ch. Trasdepastores Blue Duero Ch. Wicani Leading Light Ch. Karava Kempez Ch. Penpriory Playboy at Karava
Southoak Blue Karelle of Karava
Wicani Dances in Sunlight Wicani Dance of Darkness
Coarhabeg Jewel in The Crown at Wicani
Markenfield's Blue Rose Markenfield's Fantasy on Ice Ch. Pelido Blue Bolero
Markenfield's Tri Dawn
Spearow Black Berry For Markenfield Markenfield's Knightbird
Markenfield's Lunar Fantasy at Spearow
Ch. Everlasting Fantasy Of The Holy Mountain A Touch of Frost des Marécages du Prince Ch. Shame and Scandal des Marécages du Prince Lynaire Silver Josh
Ma Soeur Anne de la Vallée des Noyères
Ch. Satisfaction Guaranteed des Marecages du Prince Lynaire Silver Josh
Obstinément Belle des Marécages du Prince
Ch. Wicani Touched By a Dream Wicani Waltz of The New Moon Wicani What's New Pussycat
Wicani Dances By Moonlight
Seryphina Dance of the Raven Moon Wicani What's New Pussycat
Ch. Wicani Touch of Elegance at Seryphina
Ch. Lucky-Luke Star Narnia's Night Nyáre Ch. Essanjay Encore From Krystalmist Ingledene Mr Majestic Ch. Shep's Wannabe Seen Uglebjerg Thunderbird
Shep's Keep The Secret
Ingledene She's Magic Ch. Galahad vom Haus Rukopf
Ch. Seabound's She's All That For Ingledene
Wicani Moonkissed Maiden at Essanjay Wicani Nighthawk Wicani What's New Pussycat
Wicani Wrenee Dessard
Wicani Moonlight on Water Wicani Formula One
Wicani Dances by Moonlight
Ch. Rineweld Youthful Yule Rineweld Time of Black Knight Rineweld Kid Don't Give Up Ch. Nyitramenti Captain Blood
Koakói Esmeralda
Rineweld Persistent Ch. Nyitramenti Chimney-Sweep
Rineweld Andorra La Wella
Ch. Rineweld Awantgarde at Sheewena Ch. Narwick Silver Blue de Cathyja Flash Black de Cabrenysset
Jewel Bleue du Crêt du Loup
Ch. Rineweld Claudia Silver Lady Midnight Man of The Cinliboy House
Silver Dream Blue Priscilla Presley
  • ??
  • AVK: 93.55
  • COI: 0,5890%
  • COIR:0,9796%
Eléments de consanguinité - Inbreeding evaluation
Les couleurs de la descendance - Offspring coat color
Père (Father)
Mère (Mother)
Nolynna Lux Blue Apocalypse 
Lucky-Luke Star Narnia's Night Nyáre 
Descendance - Offspring coat color:
Tout savoir sur les couleurs du Colley - Collie coat color, click here
Profil génétique de la portée - Genetic Health of the litter


Chiots (Puppies):

Normaux, clear (+/+): 25%
Porteurs, carrier (+/-): 50%
Mutés, Affected (-/-): 25%

MDR1: Données génétiques pour le Colley (Genetic data for Collie)

MDR1: Chiens testés (Dogs tested) 8155

  1. MDR1 (+/+): 2546   (31.2%)
  2. MDR1 (+/-): 3839   (47.1%)
  3. MDR1 (-/-): 1770   (21.7%)

MDR1: Infos, cliquez ici (click here)



Chiots (Puppies):

Normaux, clear (+/+): 50%
Porteurs, carrier (+/-): 50%

DM: Données génétiques pour le Colley (Genetic data for Collie)

DM: Chiens testés (Dogs tested) 2351

  1. DM (+/+): 1498   (63.7%)
  2. DM (+/-): 756   (32.2%)
  3. DM (-/-): 97   (4.1%)

DM: Infos, cliquez ici (click here)



Chiots (Puppies):

Profils génétiques inconnus
DNA profils unknown

CEA: Données génétiques pour le Colley (Genetic data for Collie)

CEA: Chiens testés (Dogs tested) 1390

  1. CEA (+/+): 456   (32.8%)
  2. CEA (+/-): 667   (48%)
  3. CEA (-/-): 267   (19.2%)


Chiots (Puppies):

Profils inconnus: Entre 100% (+/+) et 100% (+/-)
Profils unknown: Between 100% (+/+) and 100% (+/-)

PRA: Données génétiques pour le Colley (Genetic data for Collie)

PRA: Chiens testés (Dogs tested) 579

  1. PRA (+/+): 565   (97.6%)
  2. PRA (+/-): 14   (2.4%)
  3. PRA (-/-): 0   (0%)


Chiots (Puppies):

Profils génétiques inconnus
DNA profils unknown

JRD: Données génétiques pour le Colley (Genetic data for Collie)

JRD: Chiens testés (Dogs tested) 106

  1. JRD (+/+): 83   (78.3%)
  2. JRD (+/-): 22   (20.8%)
  3. JRD (-/-): 1   (0.9%)
Nolynna Lux Blue Apocalypse: Sa descendance (Offspring):
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Cea/Cat clinically free, JRD clinically free DM (+/-) by parentage PRA (+/+) by parentage
Cea/Cat clinically free, JRD clinically free DM (+/-) by parentage PRA (+/+) by parentage
Cea/Cat clinically free, JRD clinically free DM (+/-) by parentage PRA (+/+) by parentage
Cea/Cat clinically free, JRD clinically free DM (+/-) by parentage PRA (+/+) by parentage
Cea/Cat clinically free, JRD clinically free DM (+/-) by parentage PRA (+/+) by parentage
Cea/Cat clinically free, JRD clinically free DM (+/-) by parentage PRA (+/+) by parentage
Cea/Cat clinically free, JRD clinically free DM (+/-) by parentage PRA (+/+) by parentage
Cea/Cat clinically free, JRD clinically free DM (+/-) by parentage PRA (+/+) by parentage
Cea/Cat clinically free, JRD clinically free - Serbian Champion MDR1 (-/-) DM (+/-) by parentage CEA (-/-) PRA (+/+) by parentage
Cea/Cat clinically free, JRD clinically free DM (+/-) by parentage PRA (+/+) by parentage

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Pour aller plus loin (More)
  • Des idées de noms pour les chiots - Ideas for names for puppies: Click here
  • Les couleurs du Colley - Collie coat color: Click here
  • La reproduction, un dossier complet sur le sujet - all about a mating: Click here



Indicates to us the suspected loss of ancestors.
The AVK for n-generation family tree is calculated by the number of actual (independent - unrepeatable) ancestors, and the total number of possible ancestors.
Inbreeding coefficient total IC (COI) :
We evaluate inbreeding of each animal according to the 'coefficient of relationship' proposed by Sewell Wright.
Inbreeding and Relationship Coefficient (COIR) :
Wright's equation for calculating the COI + closely inbreeding of each parent.
A calculation that is more representative of the real relationship of dogs evaluated.